Paresh Rawal, nicknamed Babu Bhaiya, is ecstatic about filming Hera Pheri 3 since he will be reuniting with his two legendary companions, Akshay Kumar’s Raju and Suniel Shetty’s Shyam. Everything fell into place, and soon the set was bustling with the typical humour.
Hera Pheri’s third instalment is coming out after a long hiatus, and the news has gone viral on the internet. Now, Paresh Rawal has spoken out about his enthusiasm and revealed key narrative points in a recent interview with the media. Keep on reading down here!
Hera Pheri 3 has been the subject of several rumours. There was initial conjecture that there would be no Akshay Kumar in the film, then talk that Kartik Aaryan would take over for Akki as Raju, then talk of a new director, and so on. Now that the legendary jazz trio is reunited, the celebration can officially conclude on a high note.
In an interview with Mid-day, Paresh Rawal discussed working on the third instalment of Hera Pheri alongside Akshay Kumar and Suniel Shetty.
He said,
“Meeting them felt like ghar wapsi. It’s always a joy shooting with Akshay and Suniel. They are talented actors who are not insecure about their work. We have mutual respect. Our off-screen camaraderie reflects in our on-screen chemistry.”
Going further in the conversation, Paresh Rawal dropped major plot hints about how the iconic characters will unfold in Hera Pheri 3 and added, “We’ll begin shooting in three months. It will be a [long] schedule in Mumbai. The movie will also be shot in international locations like Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Los Angeles, as Babu bhaiya, Raju and Shyam go abroad. They’ll do hera pheri globally.”
With Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty, and Paresh Rawal already on board, where does that leave rising sensation Kartik Aaryan? the veteran actor was questioned. “originally, both Kartik and Akshay were gonna make the film, but it didn’t work out,” he said. Whatever occurred, I can’t explain it.
Therefore, according to the Times of India, Farhad Samji took over for Anees Bazme as Hera Pheri 3’s director.