Ramayan actor Sunil Lahri, known for his role as Lakshman in the iconic TV show, has expressed his deep disappointment and shock after watching the film Adipurush starring Prabhas and Kriti Sanon. In a latest interview, Sunil Lahri criticized the makers for distorting the story and characters. He also mentioned that fans have been demanding the re-airing of the 1987 Ramayan show.
Sunil Lahri, who played Lakshman in Ramayan, shared his disappointment and shock after watching Prabhas-Kriti Sanon’s film Adipurush. He stated that although the film may have visually stunning graphics, it lacked substance and emotional depth. He expressed his confusion about the target audience and criticized the film for destroying the essence of the original story.
The actor pointed out various flaws in Adipurush, including the representation of characters, subpar visual effects, and colloquial dialogues.
As someone associated with the story and character of Ramayan, Sunil Lahri expressed his dismay.
He mentioned that Ramayan could have been adapted in a much better way, but the film lacked emotional connection. He described the movie as a blunder, stating that the characters did not have the required differentiation and were portrayed differently from the original depiction. Sunil Lahri expressed disappointment about the changes made to significant elements of the story, such as the replacement of Pushpak Viman (a mythical flying vehicle) with a bat.
रामायण पर आधारित आदि पुरुष फिल्म देखने के बाद मेरे व्यक्तिगत विचार…अब से आप मुझे शिखर मूवीज के यूट्यूब चैनल पर भी देख सकते हैं…
My personal view after watching film aadi purush which is based on Ramayan… Now you can check me on Shikhar movies YouTube channel also pic.twitter.com/gDAf07NY6B— Sunil lahri (@LahriSunil) June 19, 2023
Sunil Lahri questioned the decision to modernize the story, citing the massive viewership of Ramayan during the recent re-airing of the show. He emphasized that the authentic portrayal of the original show resonated with audiences across generations.
He criticized the makers for using language and dialogues that lacked respect for the characters and the essence of the epic. Sunil Lahri expressed his shock and called for the film to be banned, stating that the project seemed to have lost touch with the values and cultural significance of Ramayan.
Regarding the statement issued by the makers about changing certain dialogues, Sunil Lahri mentioned that once the damage is done, it cannot be undone. He criticized the use of disrespectful language by characters like Hanuman and Meghnad in the film and questioned the thought process behind such dialogues.
रामायण पर आधारित आदि पुरुष फिल्म देखने के बाद मेरे व्यक्तिगत विचार…अब से आप मुझे शिखर मूवीज के यूट्यूब चैनल पर भी देख सकते हैं…
My personal view after watching film aadi purush which is based on Ramayan… Now you can check me on Shikhar movies YouTube channel also pic.twitter.com/gDAf07NY6B— Sunil lahri (@LahriSunil) June 19, 2023
Sunil Lahri shared that he couldn’t connect himself with the Adipurush project since its announcement. He expressed his disbelief at the decisions made during the making of the film and mentioned that even renowned names like T-Series and Saif Ali Khan should have demanded a well-defined script. He expressed his disappointment in the film’s release and felt that the team seemed blinded or hypnotized while making such a film.
We hold immense gratitude for your valuable perspectives and thoughts! Your constant love and support is what keeps us going ❤️ Jai Shri Ram 🙏
Book your tickets on: https://t.co/2jcFFjFeI4#Adipurush now in cinemas near you! ✨ #Prabhas @omraut #SaifAliKhan @kritisanon… pic.twitter.com/EtaDsNsShz
— T-Series (@TSeries) June 18, 2023
Sunil Lahri revealed that he hadn’t yet spoken to the Ramayan team but had conversations with Ramanand Sagar’s son and his own son, who shared similar opinions. He stated that fans are also pained by the treatment of the epic in Adipurush and demanded an apology from the makers. Sunil Lahri suggested that the film should be banned and that the original Ramayan show should be re-aired to compensate for the dissatisfaction caused.
Sunil Lahri mentioned that if he were to ignore all the flaws, the only performance that stood out for him in Adipurush was Saif Ali Khan’s. He believed that Saif Ali Khan justified his character while other performances fell short.