Neha Kakkar, the renowned singer, tied the knot with Rohanpreet Singh in 2021. Following their marriage, the couple frequently shared romantic pictures on social media platforms, portraying a blissful relationship. However, in recent times, rumors regarding Neha’s pregnancy and divorce have gained momentum.
Having distanced herself from the television industry for some time, Neha Kakkar had last appeared as a judge on the singing reality show “Indian Idol” in 2022. Despite her absence from television, she remained engaged with her concerts and film projects. Nonetheless, speculations surrounding Neha’s pregnancy and divorce continued to circulate. Now, Neha Kakkar has finally addressed these rumors.
In an interview with The Times, Neha Kakkar stated that ever since her marriage, only two rumors have been circulating consistently: her pregnancy and impending divorce.
“That’s the sad part of being who we are, that people want to gossip about you and to do that they create whatever stories they want. I don’t pay much attention to it, because only I know what the truth is.”
Neha stated.
She discussed redirecting her focus to her career rather than her spouse, Rohanpreet Singh.
Continuing the discussion, Neha Kakkar disclosed that she had taken a prolonged break from work, during which she devoted her attention to her family, particularly her husband, Rohanpreet Singh. However, she is now resuming her professional endeavors and aims to prioritize her career. She remarked:
“My husband deserved all the attention, and now that we have completed three years of marriage, I felt it was time to bring focus back to my work. I am made for singing and the work I do, so now I am back to it.”
Furthermore, Neha Kakkar opened up about the reasons behind her break from television.
“The break was necessary for me. I was mentally and physically exhausted. I’m someone who gives my 100% to any show I do. There came a time when nothing seemed under my control. I started working in this industry at a young age, so it was essential for my mental and physical well-being to take this break. But now, I am back with full energy,”
Neha elaborated.
Through her candid revelations, Neha Kakkar has put an end to the speculations surrounding her personal life, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing mental and physical health amidst the demands of the entertainment industry.
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