Navya Naveli Nanda recently faced a wave of online criticism after announcing her admission to the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad. The granddaughter of Bollywood legends Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan took to her social media to express her thanks to her professor for his role in helping her prepare for the entrance exams.
Despite praise from many, Navya was criticized by some internet users who suggested her admission was due to ‘influence and quota.’
In response to the backlash, she shared a photo with her professor, Prasad Sir, who had a significant role in her preparation. She expressed her gratitude and appreciation for his guidance in her post, stating,
“Thank you to @mba_ims for coaching me for the entrance exams. This is Prasad Sir, who played the biggest role in helping me crack the CAT/IAT entrance exams. One of the BEST teachers I’ve had the honor of learning from. Celebrating at the @mba_ims office on the day I received my acceptance.”
Addressing a troll who accused her of leveraging her influence for admission, Navya replied with a direct message:
“It’s a 2-year Blended Post Graduate Program! Please visit their website for more details on the admission criteria & syllabus. Thank you for your wishes!”
Navya Nanda messaging everyone!
byu/Serious-Attempt9515 inBollyBlindsNGossip
This response has since gone viral on social media.
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For those who may not know, Navya is a graduate of Fordham University in New York and co-owns Aara Health, an online health platform. She also hosts the podcast ‘What The Hell Navya’ with her grandmother Jaya Bachchan and mother Shweta Bachchan Nanda, focusing on women’s health and hygiene. She recently launched the second season of her podcast.