Arshad Warsi flashes whenever he comes on ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ as he keeps on making snide comments from time to time. Arshad Warsi was on the show this time with fellow actors Bhumi Pednekar, Mahi Gill and Karan Kapadia for the promotion of his film Durgamati. Comedian Kapil Sharma was seen flirting with Bhumi and Mahi and the fans got a big comedy treat.
Kapil Sharma asked, “Arshad bhai, this whole year went into lockdown. This year neither the sequel to Golmaal nor Dhamaal, then how did you fill your EMIs?” On hearing this question of Kapil, all other artists including Arshad Warsi started laughing loudly.
Kapil asked Bhoomi that when everyone was posting videos of cooking on social media during the Corona lockdown, why was she posting videos related to makeup? In response to this question, Bhumi said that he does not like to cook. Once they tried, the bread became like a stone. When Kapil asked how this happened, Arshad said that the land had mixed cement with bread. On this, everyone laughs and loses. Kapil also pulled Mahi Gill and Karan Kapadia during this time.
The Durgamati film is released on Amazon Prime Video on Friday. It is a Hindi remake of the Telugu film ‘Bhagmati’ and is directed by G Ashok, who made the original film.