Ambika Rajankar, who is one of the main characters of the famous TV shows “Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chasma”, has a huge fan following on the various social media platforms. However, she has faced recent trolls from a few users on these social media platforms. A user has spoken complete nonsense about the Television celebrity. However, Rajankar did not take much time to reply to the troller on the social media platform.
The user texted, ‘Jaa dub ke marja re chullu bhar paani me’. To this the actress replied, “I wish you a very happy New year and loads of healing. To wish someone with so much bitterness on the very first day of the year I can only imagine how much pain you must be in…#speakupwhentrolled #stoptrolling I hope your friends don’t see this post”.
This is nothing new for the celebs as they have to face such hatred from a number of people who claim to be their fans but are actually trollers in reality. We have to understand that we need to be more responsible in our behaviour towards these celebrities who do their best to entertain us and thus behave properly with them on the different social media platforms. These kind of behaviours are certainly not expected from any one and so people need to understand what to say and what not to say to them.