Bollywood actress and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut has found herself embroiled in controversy once again. Recently, Ranaut took to Instagram to congratulate wrestler Vinesh Phogat on her historic achievement at the Paris 2024 Olympics. Phogat made history as the first Indian woman to reach the finals of the 50 kg freestyle wrestling event. However, Ranaut’s congratulatory message sparked criticism from many netizens.
In her post, Kangana Ranaut attributed Phogat’s success to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, praising him for providing the opportunity and facilities needed for the Olympics.
She highlighted that this support was extended despite Phogat’s involvement in protests against the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) and her slogan “Modi Teri kabar khudegi” (Modi, your grave will be dug) from last year’s protests.
Kangana Ranaut’s comment read,
“Fingers crossed for India’s first Gold Medal…. Vinesh Phogat at one point took part in protests where she raised the slogans of ‘Modi teri Kabr khudegi.’ Yet she was given the opportunity to represent the nation and receive the best training, coaches, and facilities. The beauty of democracy and a great leader.”
The response on social media was swift and critical. Many felt that her remarks were inappropriate and belittled Phogat’s personal achievements and hard work. Critics argued that Phogat’s success should be credited to her own dedication and skill rather than political support.
Not Kangana making it about her and Modi through Vinesh Phogat’s Gold medal win at the Olympics.
byu/BevarseeKudka inlibrandu
One user expressed,
“Instead of supporting women’s causes, she credits the PM for allowing a champion to compete. This is why our nation struggles to reach finals despite having talented players. There’s a lack of support for sports causes among leaders.”
Another remarked,
“Does Kangana think that protesting against the government should disqualify one from opportunities?”
Others noted that Ranaut’s post seemed to diminish the valid reasons behind Phogat’s protest against the WFI.
“Athletes protested for valid reasons. Congratulate them without undermining their struggles,” a netizen pointed out.
The controversy has ignited a broader discussion about the interplay between sports and politics in India. As the debate unfolds, many hope that the focus remains on celebrating the remarkable achievements of athletes like Vinesh Phogat, who inspire the nation with their dedication and excellence.