Archana Puran Singh, renowned for her infectious laughter, has been a beloved fixture on ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ since her debut as a judge in 2019. However, she recently addressed the topic of her laughter, admitting to its artificiality in the past and discussing her decision to cease the practice.
In a recent media interaction, Archana Puran Singh candidly discussed her previous tendency to laugh at jokes she found less than humorous.
Reflecting on this habit, she shared her discomfort with being perceived as insincere, stating, “Earlier people used to say that I laughed at bad jokes as well, I was not happy with it.”
“Now you’ll see, in the last three years, since we are doing the show, and especially now when we are on Netflix… Earlier people used to say that I laughed at bad jokes as well, I was not happy with it. What used to happen then is that if a particular joke didn’t have the punch, they (the makers) thought that if we use Archana’s laughter then woh punch utth jaayega, but it didn’t work that way, woh punch nahi utha, but main hi baith gayi. People started to think, ‘this woman is mad, she is laughing for nothing. The integrity of my laughter took the beating.”
She elaborated on the circumstances that led to this perception, revealing that her laughter was sometimes inserted by editors into moments lacking comedic punch.
“Someone even asked me how I’m laughing at it. But it was the edit… you guys are aware how one can do anything on edit. They were very creative, they would place my laughter everywhere.”
This practice, while intended to enhance the humor, ultimately undermined the authenticity of her laughter and led to misconceptions about her character. She recounted,
“They (the makers) thought that if we use Archana’s laughter then woh punch utth jaayega, but it didn’t work that way, woh punch nahi utha, but main hi baith gayi.”
Addressing the criticism she faced, Archana emphasized the toll this misperception took on her,
remarking, “People started to think, ‘this woman is mad, she is laughing for nothing. The integrity of my laughter took the beating.”
She also shed light on a particularly challenging moment during the filming of ‘Comedy Circus’ when, amidst personal grief over her mother-in-law’s passing, she was required to deliver laughter for the show.
Looking ahead, Archana Puran Singh is set to continue her role on ‘The Kapil Sharma Show,’ which will soon be available on Netflix, with a renewed commitment to genuine reactions and laughter.