Mukesh Ambani, the wealthiest individual in Asia, resides in one of the world’s most opulent homes, Antilia. This architectural marvel is located in South Mumbai and stands as a testament to Ambani’s immense wealth and the luxurious lifestyle of his family. Spanning 27 floors, Antilia is not just a residence but a symbol of grandeur and modern engineering.
Architectural Marvel and Facilities
Antilia’s construction began in 2004 and was completed in six years, with an estimated cost of around ₹15,000 crores. The building covers approximately 4 lakh square feet and is equipped with an array of high-end facilities. It includes a 50-seat private theater, a grand ballroom, multiple swimming pools, three helipads, a health spa, a yoga studio, and a dance studio. The residence also features nine high-speed elevators to facilitate quick access across its extensive floors.
The building’s design incorporates elements inspired by the sun and the lotus, with materials sourced from various countries. The interiors boast a lavish mix of crystal, marble, and mother-of-pearl, adding to the aesthetic splendor of the property. Antilia also has a six-floor parking space that can accommodate 160 cars, a necessity given the Ambani family’s extensive collection of luxury vehicles.
Given its vast size and extensive facilities, Antilia’s energy consumption is incredibly high.
The building’s power needs are so significant that it operates on a high-tension electrical connection similar to that used by small-scale industries. The electricity consumption of Antilia is estimated to be around 6,37,240 units per month, which is comparable to the monthly consumption of about 7,000 middle-class households in Mumbai.
To manage this immense energy demand, the building is equipped with state-of-the-art energy systems. These include energy-efficient lighting and climate control systems designed to minimize environmental impact while ensuring the comfort and luxury of the residents. Despite these efforts, the overall electricity consumption remains exceedingly high due to the sheer size and the numerous amenities of the building.
The Monthly Electricity Bill
The opulence of Antilia comes at a considerable cost, especially regarding its monthly electricity bill. The residence’s monthly electricity bill is approximately ₹70 lakh (7 million rupees) This amount underscores the extravagant nature of the residence and the financial capability of the Ambani family to sustain such a lavish lifestyle. Despite efforts to negotiate and receive discounts from the electricity department, the bill remains a significant expense, highlighting the immense energy needs of one of the most luxurious homes in the world.