Rumors of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai’s divorce have been making waves in Bollywood recently. Speculation about tension between the couple had been circulating for some time, but these rumors gained momentum after Aishwarya attended Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding separately from the Bachchan family.
Amid these speculations, a video of Abhishek Bachchan has gone viral on social media, in which he appears to announce his divorce from Aishwarya Rai.
In the video, Abhishek explains that the decision was made in July, stating that the past few years have not been good for their daughter, Aaradhya, and this led to their decision to part ways. The video has sparked widespread reactions across social media.
However, it has now come to light that the video is a deepfake—digitally altered to mislead viewers. This isn’t the first time a deepfake video of a Bollywood celebrity has gone viral on social media, causing confusion and concern among fans.
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Despite the buzz, the video is not genuine, and the reports of Abhishek and Aishwarya’s divorce remain unverified.