India’s meeting with the Academy Awards, otherwise called Oscars, began when Mehboob Khan’s Mother India in 1957 which was authoritatively nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film. From that point forward, films like Lagaan, Salaam Bombay too were nominated in that category. In spite of the fact that no Indian film has won an Oscar, yet, we do have people who have made India glad by winning Oscars. Outfit designer Bhanu Athaiya to music author A.R. Rahman, there are just a few Indians who brought the Oscar statuette their home.
After the 93rd Academy Awards have recently declared the nomination list, here is a list of 5 Indians who have won Oscars.
1. Best Costume Design Oscar – Bhanu Athaiya
Bhanu Athaiya who is a famous outfit designer won first Oscar for India for the 1982 drama “Gandhi”. Having made contributions to more than 100 films, the costumier worked for certain prominent characters like Guru Dutt, Yash Chopra, Raj Kapoor, B.R. Chopra, Vijay Anand, Raj Khosla, Ashutosh Gowariker among many others. She additionally worked with International characters like Conrad Rooks and Richard Attenborough.
2. Life Time Achievement Award – Satyajit Ray
Progressive filmmaker Satyajit Ray gave Indian film industry a few show-stoppers that actually are utilized for contextual analyses in different filmmaking establishments. The incredible filmmaker made waves in both Indian and Bengali film world. His first film Pather Panchali won numerous Indian and worldwide awards including the Best Human Document at the Cannes film celebration in 1955. In 1992, the Academy awarded Satyajit Ray an Honorary Oscar Award 1992 for Lifetime Achievement. Lamentably, the veteran director couldn’t make it to the occasion as he was hospitalized and gave his acknowledgment discourse by means of live feed.
3. Best Sound Mixing – Resul Pookutty
The accomplishment of Slumdog Millionaire made worldwide acknowledgment for Indian ability abroad. While the film won the Academy Award for Best Pictures, sound architect Resul Pookutty made India pleased by winning the award of Best Sound Mixing at the 81st Academy Awards. He won the award alongside Ian Tapp and Richard Pryke. “I devote this award to my country. This isn’t only a sound award rather a piece of history that has been given over to me. I come from a country and civilisation that gave the world the word that goes before quietness and is trailed by more quiet. That word is Om. So I
would like to devote this award to my country,” said he after receiving the award.
4. The Best Original Score and The Best Original Song, two Oscars – A.R. Rahman
Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire packed away significant awards at the 81st Oscars. Music writer A.R. Rahman was the first Indian to be selected in quite a while at the Academy Awards for his score in a British-Indian film. The maestro made history by winning two awards – one for the first score and another for the track Jai Ho. While giving his acknowledgment discourse he said, “Prior to coming here I was energized and frightened.
The last time I felt that way was the point at which I was getting hitched. There is a Hindi exchange ‘simple pass mama hai’ which means regardless of whether I have nothing I have my mom here. I need to say thanks to her for coming right to support me.” The musician was recently named in the Best Original Score genre for film 127 hours and If I Rise.
5. Best Original Song: Gulzar
The melody ‘Jai Ho’ that caused a buzz worldwide and got A.R.Rahman his subsequent Oscar was written by notable lyrist Gulzar who won an Oscar for the Best Original Song.