The advent of internet has undoubtedly made our lives pretty easy and lucid. The internet carries through our daily needs of entertainment, company, shopping and relaxation. In the internet, social media platforms play a huge role.
It is in these sites where people find most of their time in; some surfing and others chatting. However, people can be a disaster over the same internet. If on hand, internet is a class, on the other, it is a trap. With hilarious and overtly comical incidents, these social media site become a pure form of entertainment.
In this article, we are going to share best 15 of such posts with you and we bet that they will make you go ROFL!
1. You can’t escape the agent eyes!!
2. A 90 degree angle or a three shaped triangle?!!
3. He is arrest! “Don’t book a judge by it’s cover”.
4. A sharpener minimises the length and strength of his pencil? Girls, beware!
5. Three-some-istic caption. What a creativity!
6. Pussies in the well? Nevermind
7. Only engineers and government job holders are allowed to answer.
8. Pan Masala; the medication to your pregnancy!
9. What a tragic love story!
10. “My son will be an engineer. Yes, I know that.”
11. Jurasic Park fanatic? Undoubtedly, yes.
12. Sasta Nasha?
13. English language will need classes after this.
14. The user must be thinking why the hell that tweet was made in the first place
15. Worst and still a 5 star? Kabhi, kuch na kar ke bhi dekho.