Naveen Kumar Gowda, who goes by his performing name of Yash is the only actor from the industry who has put forward a breathtakingly beautiful standard and uplifted his status through just a single movie. The actor who played the role of the lead in the global blockbuster ‘KGF’ does not need an introduction. The Canadian actor is the only established performer to gain a base so large with just a single production.
The man might not need an introduction nowadays, but there was a time in his life when he would have loved one. Thus, today we bring a list of 14 facts about this self-made actor that you were unaware of.
1. Yash, was born in a small village in the remote areas of Karnataka. Due to the restrictions at that point of his time, he was kept away for most of his life from cities. He grew up in a middle-class family, wherein his father was a bus driver and his mother was a homemaker. Interestingly, Yash’s father continued working as a bus driver till 2014 even though his son had by then established himself in the industry. Yash went on to explain this was because his father was self-dependent and honest and he continued his work because it was his way of being in touch with his roots.
2. Yash’s passion for acting was developed and brought to light during his early days when he played a role in a school theatre production. The performance was highly appreciated by all edgers and peers, which motivated him to chose this as his profession. He decided to pursue the art of acting as a profession and gave up studies after 12 to regularly practice.
3. However, when Yash conveyed to his parents his wish to pursue acting as a profession and showed his interest in moving to Bangalore, they did not support the idea. It went to an extent where his family gave him the ultimatum of never returning if he left once. The family was so unhappy and ashamed that they asked Yash to keep his wish under wraps.
4. Things were not sweet for Yash after he reached Bangalore. The actor reached the city with an amount of 300 in his pockets. He kept on hustling and giving auditions for days end until he was finally selected by a theatre group as a background actor. The actor snatched the opportunity and learnt a lot. His job role had him managing the set to being an extra and even checking lights when required. His experience during those times helped him as he went on to upgrade his role to an assistant director.
5. After making the role of assistant director he thought life was finally taking a turn for the good. However, things did not look for Yash. Soon after venturing into the movie, producers of the same contract backed out leading to the movie being shut down. This dragged Yash to the point where he had to spend a night at a bus stand because he had no money.
6. After a few days of contemplation, Yash realised that one major setback cannot define his worth. Soon he again started auditioning for the role of an actor or producer. It was not long before Yash was selected for the role of a character in a popular television role. This was how his career started. Soon Yash started getting ample opportunities and went on to become a household name for television serials.
7. Even though Yash made it to the silver screen, but his wish to become a star never ceased. He still kept on hustling auditioning for roles for almost all movies. After a long wait, he finally got selected for the role of a supporting actor in the movie Moggina Manasu. This was the start of his brilliant acting career and he started getting amazing offers that put him on the map. He even bagged an award for his debut, he receives Filmfare award for the best supporting actor.
8. The man has a shameless obsession with Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan. His love for these two actors is what helped him draw inspiration to play his famous role of Rocky for the global phenomenon that was KGF.
9. However, the role of Rocky was the most difficult and the most challenging role to play for Yash. He went to ensure that all the action scenes were performed by him. There was a scene which was even shot amid a dust storm just to bring out the true essence. KGF is a movie that is devoid of graphics and animation and thus it took around 4 years for the completion of the movie. The set to the location, all were put out with the intention of perfection.
10. His first film KGF, was scheduled to be released opposite the Shah Rukh and Katrina starrer Zero. Many of the industry specialists warned him of the repercussion of going into a head-on collision. But, he took this as a challenge and went on to shell out one of the biggest blockbusters. The first chapter went on to promise a second part that is scheduled to be released shortly. The actor, however, went on to watch Zero being an avid fan of SRK.
11. The success and the response that Yash received for his first Hindi movie was least expected by him. He was sure of KGF to gain attention, but not of such magnitude. The film that Yash starred in ensured to put the Kannada Industry in a more clear view in the movie-making sector. Fans are currently waiting for the second part that KGF is to bring.
12. Yash made it very clear that the praises that go on to equate him to stars such as Prabhas and Ram Charan are not doing him any good. He explained that the comparison is happening due to the success of the movie. Yash believes that every actor does immense hard work for each production and thus it can’t be equated.
13. Yash also explained that he has currently begun to love the work of Ranbir Kapoor and Nawazuddin Siddiqui. He also shared that if he has the chance, it would be his pleasure to work with the latter.
14. In 2016, the handsome hunk got hitched to co-star Radhika Pandit. Radhika, who is one of the most versatile actors of the interest has been seen with Yash in many projects. They have been together since the time Yash started his struggles.